UN Special envoy condemns Taliban ban on girl’s education

The Taliban leadership is deeply divided over girls' education beyond Class 6, raising fears of girls’ education in Afghanistan under the new rule that has largely stripped women of their basic rights. PHOTO|UNICEF

A Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Mette Knudsen has condemned Taliban’s ban on girl’s attending school.

Knudsen told the Diplomatic Corps during a briefing that the decision by the Taliban negatively impacted the attitude of the global community towards them.

“Taliban’s decision to ban girls from attending secondary schools has negatively impacted the attitude of the global community towards them,” Knudsen noted.

He said a recent UN “donor conference had raised USD 2.4 billion, against the target of USD 4 billion.

The Taliban regime recently banned female students above grade six from attending classes, sparking uproar across the international community. He said the UN was keen to see development in Afghanistan that was taken over the Taliban in August last year.