Burundi government has issued an ultimatum for street children and beggars to be off the streets in a two weeks’ time, the statement from the ministry of solidarity indicated that legal measures will be taken on whoever will be found begging on the streets after the given period.
“To Burundians and non-nationals who’ve got heart to help beggars are asked to contact solidarity organisations on the country level to advise how to proceed, whoever will be caught giving out anything to beggars on the streets will be penalized,” part of the statement reads from the ministry of Solidarity.
Imelde Sabushimike the current minister for solidarity said that street children and all panhandlers are called upon to stop begging, and that tough measures will be taken on those who fail to comply with the new directive.
“Leader and law enforcers are called on to execute the decision and should look out to the main spots where beggars gather to make sure decisions are respected,” said the minister.
According to the minister for solidarity, all beggars and those with financial or social issues or any other challenge that may result him or her to got to streets will be helped, “they are asked to contact the local leaders so as their issues can be addressed and solved.”