A High Level delegation from Burundi concluded their visit last week at the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) with a courtesy call to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Speaker Martin Ngoga who later joined the Court for the closing session.
Burundi’s Minister of Justice Domine Banyankimbona and Attorney General of Burundi Sylvestre Nyandwi together with the President of the Supreme Court Emmanuel Gatereste got an opportunity to attend the Council of Ministers’ meeting as well as the Court Session during their visit.
“I have not seen such a powerful delegation from the Partner States to interact with EAC officials, I wish Partner States can support such interactions, our Integration can be more smooth and successful,” said the Speaker of EALA congratulating the Minister for the first high ranking government officials’ visit.
The EALA speaker called for the support to reform the Court in having permanent Judges as it is growing and cases increasing and that could be good indication of increasing trust in the Court.
The Minister in her closing remarks, indicated how they have benefited a lot from this important visit with a clear understanding of how the entire Community operates after visiting the EAC Secretariat, EALA and EACJ after engaging with the Secretary General Peter Mathuki, EALA speaker Martin Ngoga and the judges of the court.
“We are very impressed with the work of EAC, we are here as Ambassadors and we will convey the message to the people of Burundi” said Burundi’s justice minister Domine Banyankimbona.