At least 19 police officers and 4 local administrative officials were expelled from their offices after being linked to corruption and other related crimes committed while on duty last Friday.
According to the interior and public security minister’s office, the officials were relieved from their duties last Friday July 24th, 2020.
“19 police officials and 4 other local administrative officials dismissed, 4 police officials including 2 administrative officials are under investigation so this fight continues and concerns everyone it is Zero tolerance,” a statement read from Burundi Interior and Public Security ministry.
“The first group is made of 16 people of which 12 police officials are accused of corruption the latter must be dismissed as indicated by the minister of security,” said Pierre Nkurikiye the spokesperson of the ministry of interior, community development and public security.
As of last Friday July 17, 2020. Gen. Gervais Ndirakobuca the minister of interior, community development and public security warned officials in the judiciary who cannot not deal with cases without handouts.
The minister called on police and other officials to denounce the perpetrators, “those people or officials who are corrupt no longer have a place in this ministry,” said Ndirakobuca.
Since 2006, Burundi had established the special Brigade of the Anti-corruption but corruption has since then strived in many of public institutions.
The current Burundi president Évariste Ndayishimiye has stepped up a fight against corruption which he sees as one of his major priorities to fulfill while in the office.