3 missing after landslide in Rumonge

The Burundi police confirmed that atleast 3 people went missing in Rumonge province after a landslide that was caused by the heavy rain last Saturday evening October 21st.

“Since 6 a.m. to 11 a.m., the police officers of the said Muhuta commune in collaboration with the elected officials and the population of Kirombwe hill have been busy searching for the individuals on along the Nyamusenyi River from Lake Tanganyika to Kirombwe Hill,” a statement reads from the police.

Those who went missing are a 35 year old Woman with two children aged 7 and 6 respectively.

We even used hoes to better search for them in the mud of the river but no lifeless body was discovered except the loincloth and a shirt that this woman was wearing as well as a key,” a statement reads from the police.

According to the Burundian government, the search mission is still ongoing to recover the missing people.